Compression Wear For ALL

Date Posted : 14 Aug 2009
Compression wear is not only for athletes, it is suitable for all of us.

1 of the benefits of compression wear in sporting arena is meant to enhance the athlete's blood circulations. Hence, it helps in speeding up recovery after a workout/training/race session. Did you know that compression wear is also good use for ordinary people that sitting most of the time in office, business person that often travelling long-haul airflight, & etc.

The above non-athletic person may be exposed to the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that can be affected by the several factors include advanced age, obesity, infection, immobilization, tobacco usage and air travel (Long hours of in-activity during the long-haul flight).

What is DVT?
In medicine, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot ("thrombus") in a deep vein.

Deep vein thrombosis commonly affects the leg veins. A DVT can occur without symptoms, but in many cases the affected extremity will be painful, swollen, red, warm and the superficial veins may be engorged.

venous thrombosis occurs via three mechanisms: decreased flow rate of the blood, damage to the blood vessel wall and an increased tendency of the blood to clot.

There several factors include advanced age, obesity, infection, immobilization, tobacco usage and air travel (Long hours of in-activity during the long-haul flight).

Prevention of DVT is advised in many medical and surgical inpatients using anticoagulants, graduated compression stockings (also known as thromboembolic deterrent stockings) or intermittent pneumatic compression devices.

Click Here To Know More About Compression Wear?

Check out the 2XU Compression Products

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